A selection of some of CRN’s recent quotes and published bylines
New Year Reviews
“I would like to see the supplement industry 'own' some of the problems that negatively impact the industry and our consumers, as well as develop strategies that separate the good guys from the bad.”
—CRN’s Judy Blatman in Natural Products INSIDER, An Industry Wish List for 2016
“...by carefully watching the tea leaves and planning for these contingencies, the industry can be well prepared...At CRN, here are some things we are doing in 2016 to be ready...”
—CRN’s Steve Mister bylined article in NutraIngredientsUSA, Looking Ahead at 2016? Be Prepared!
“I believe we were relentless in representing the industry's view and making sure the consumers and the media knew there was another side out there, that they weren't getting the whole story from the AG's office...The staff at CRN took this personally and we were so tenacious to make sure someone was going to cover the industry side to this and the AG got it wrong...”
—CRN’s Steve Mister in Whole Foods Magazine, Person of the Year: NYAG Eric Schneiderman
Dietary supplement label database
“We have done some research and we have seen the importance of having a central repository for this information...To get to that point we know that several improvements in the database’s accuracy and ease of use are needed.”
—CRN’s Andrea Wong, Ph.D., in NutraIngredientsUSA, CRN suggests improvements to national supplement label database
“CRN recognizes that the primary objective of the DSLD is to provide information on dietary supplement products to researchers; however, additional stakeholders including consumers, retailers, regulators, policy makers and industry could benefit from a more robust DSLD.”
—CRN’s Duffy MacKay, Ph.D., in New Hope 360, Council for Responsible Nutrition wants DSLD to be more useful for researchers, regulators