CRN Member Newsletter

CMOC in-person meeting offers cutting-edge insights from top communications/marketing experts

The annual CRN Communications and Media Outreach Committee (CMOC) in-person meeting in New York City saw its highest attendee count ever this year, with communications, public relations and marketing executives gathering to hear about the latest trends and best practices as well as insights from journalists and other stakeholders.

Among the presenters on the agenda was M.J. Wyatt, a consultant to CRN who is successfully garnering significant positive media attention about dietary supplements. Ms. Wyatt shared case studies illustrating the importance of how, in the current milieu of extreme transparency, what an organization says and does defines that organization. Patrick Skerrett of the new media outlet, STAT, shared the press perspective on the state of scientific reporting and where dietary supplements fall into the mix. The group also heard registered dietitian perspectives on how to best communicate messages about nutrition and wellness to the public.

Jarrod Dicker, head of ad product and technology with The Washington Post, disclosed how his team is using innovative technology to reinvent the way readers receive content, while Brent Bouchez of the ad firm BouchezPage shared data demonstrating that the “Boomer” generation has more buying power than the much-touted “Millennial” demographic and how most advertisers get it wrong when it comes to how to reach them. The day-and-a-half meeting was followed by a working meeting of the CMOC giving attendees the opportunity to weigh in on a committee recommendation for a new consumer education initiative.

Watch the CRN calendar for 2017 dates if you missed this year’s in-person meeting and want to stay up-to-date—the event is open to all CRN members. For more information, contact Nancy Weindruch (202-204-7684).