CRN in the News
“They continue to bring out a very one-sided view of the industry, the history of the regulation of the industry and selectively choosing facts and anecdotes to try to paint a picture of the supplement marketplace that does not reflect what the marketplace really is...When the piece comes off as one-sided as this, I think the consumers disregard it.”
—CRN’s Steve Mister in Natural Products INSIDER, “CRN Describes as ‘Same Old’ Consumer Reports Article on Dietary Supplements”
“Even where they continue to disagree...with some of the opinions that the industry has put forward, it’s at least clear that they are listening to what we have to say. And they are either answering us by explaining why they disagree or in some cases are kind of coming a little bit toward the positions that we have been advocating.”
—CRN’s Steve Mister in coverage from Natural Products INSIDER on FDA’s release of draft guidance on New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) notifications, Mr. Mister was also quoted in Nutritional Outlook.
“This is a topic that we’ve been actively involved in for several years now, and with the release of the new draft guidance, companies have questions and we’re poised to provide the right experts with answers. We’re taking the time to review the substance of the draft guidance in order to bring [the industry] the most qualified regulatory experts, and we expect the experts to include representatives from FDA.”
—CRN’s Duffy MacKay, N.D., in Drug Store News on the webinar CRN will present with Informa Exhibitions on the new NDI draft guidance.