“The product registry is a potential game-changer for our industry...”
—CRN’s Steve Mister in Nutraingredients, “Companies Beta-Testing CRN’s dietary Supplement Product Registry”
“If you look at the warning letters that [FDA has] written over the last five years, and there have actually been quite a few now where they have cited the failure to file a NDI notification in the warning letter, they don’t typically do that for something unless they have a genuine safety concern about it.”
—CRN’s Steve Mister in Nutritional Outlook, “How to Prioritize Potential NDI Notifications”
“If there was an official consumer survey done by FDA, and it became evident that the overarching understanding was [that] consumers think natural means non-GMO...then that makes sense to use that data to help shape the definition...But without that we’re just running with people’s opinions and emotions and feelings about where GMO sits.”
—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in Nutritional Outlook, “How Should FDA Define the Word Natural? Should It Be Different from Organic? Or Non-GMO?”
“Think of us, we told [the audience of prominent bloggers], when you’re looking to supplement your content with science-based, well-supported information on dietary supplements.”
—CRN’s Judy Blatman in a bylined article for Natural Products Insider on CRN’s #BlogHer16 outreach, “Supplementing the Changing Media Landscape”