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CRN Board of Directors names Jim Hyde as new Chair Elect, gets sneak peek at Supplement OWL, and more

The CRN Board of Directors met in Baltimore on Sept. 21 and elected Albion/Balchem’s Jim Hyde as Chair Elect, replacing Tyler Whitehead who stepped down this summer to devote attention to his new role at Nu Skin. Mr. Hyde will become CRN’s next Chair in January 2017. The Board also previewed the Supplement OWL, provided direction to staff on responding to the new draft NDI guidance (see next story), and received a report on staff’s success in obtaining a moratorium on enforcement of a controversial order in Puerto Rico to require product and retailer registration. To read more about the topics discussed at the meeting, read Steve Mister’s Topline Report, available exclusively to CRN members.


CRN embraces FDA’s extended deadline for NDI draft guidance comments

FDA has announced a sixty-day extension for the submission of comments on the revised draft NDI guidance after receiving multiple requests from industry stakeholders, including CRN. The new deadline, as noted in the Federal Register, is Dec. 12. CRN applauds this extension and is developing distinct comments that reflect the specific concerns of CRN members and the industry.

CRN calls for WIC program food packages to provide folic acid and iodine

CRN submitted comments to an Expert Review Committee, appointed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), as it reviews the food packages available to recipients through the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). CRN noted that the current packages fail to include products, such as multivitamins, that support an expectant mother’s need for folic acid and iodine. CRN urged the Committee to require WIC food packages to provide increased support for the nutritional health of low-income pregnant and breastfeeding women and their infants and young children.

Metagenics welcomes congressman to Washington facility

CRN member Metagenics hosted Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-WA) at its Gig Harbor, Washington, facility earlier this month, furthering CRN’s goal to connect elected officials with the dietary supplement industry. As Gig Harbor’s largest employer, Metagenics gave Rep. Kilmer a peek into its daily operations...Read more...

Pixar veteran storyteller Matthew Luhn to speak at CRN’s conference

Corporate America increasingly appreciates that a winning campaign starts with a good story, so CRN is pleased to announce that Matthew Luhn will join the roster of speakers at this year’s annual conference. A master storyteller, Mr. Luhn has worked on Pixar films such as Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, and Up, creating vibrant, memorable characters and colorful stories that have become engrained in American culture. In his keynote, “Storytelling for Business,” Mr. Luhn will highlight the ways in which companies can connect with consumers and enhance their business models through the power of storytelling. Speaking on Saturday, Oct. 29, following Doris Kearns Goodwin, Mr. Luhn’s address is not to be missed.

Still need to sign up for The Conference? Looking for hotel information? Contact Maya English (202-204-7687).

CRN's 2016 events

ODS workshop examines role of iron in women and children

The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) workshop, Screening and Supplementation of Iron-replete Pregnant Women and Young Children, was held Sept. 28–29, at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. The workshop sought to explore the current understanding of iron metabolism in pregnant women and in young children; to identify the challenges associated with measuring iron status; and to consider emerging issues associated with iron supplementation in pregnant women who have adequate iron levels. Experts from the U.S., Europe, and Canada discussed current understandings and research needs for future evidence-based evaluations. Read more...

Call for nominations: CRN Board of Directors

Want to exercise more influence on the policies of the industry? CRN is currently accepting nominations for several open positions on its Board of Directors. Two (2) open positions for finished product manufacturer/marketers and three (3) open positions for nutritional ingredient suppliers will be elected this fall. Those interested in submitting a nomination must do so before Monday, Oct. 31.
For information on qualifications, the election process, or how to submit a nomination, click here. Contact Steve Mister (202-204-7676) with any questions.

CRN in the News

“We are impressed by how far this project has come in such a short time. CRN has proudly taken a leadership role, but more importantly, this is truly a case of the industry coming together for the greater good.”

—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in Nutraceuticals World, “Industry Leaders Collaborate to Develop Supplement Registry

What else did CRN have to say?

Supplement Facts

CRN-I welcomes esteemed guests at CCAsia event

In tandem with the Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia (CCAsia) in New Delhi, India, CRN-I held a scientific session and reception on the evening of Sept. 25. The CRN-I event welcomed thirty-six attendees, including the heads of delegations for Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. Additionally, three members and two consultants of the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), CRN member Herbalife, and representatives from DSN and Coca-Cola were in attendance.

Dr. Norrani Eksan, head delegate from Malaysia, delivered the opening keynote address at the CCAsia meeting. Entitled “The Role of Codex in Strengthening National Food Control Systems in the Asian Region - A Way Forward,” Dr. Eksan’s address highlighted the contributions CCAsia makes towards Codex work, the challenges Asia faces in addressing food safety, and ideas for the future of international food standard setting.

To learn more about CCAsia, contact Jim Griffiths (202-204-7662).

Register today for CRN's 2016 events

Join CRN-I in Hamburg, Germany for the seventh annual symposium

Registration for the seventh annual CRN-I symposium, Optimal Nutrition and the Ever-Changing Dietary Landscape, is open! To be held Dec. 2, convenient to the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) meeting, this one-day symposium features cutting-edge and thought-provoking presentations by experts from Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Will we see you in Hamburg? Register here or contact Maya English (202-204-7687). with any questions.

Research Watch: Ginger supplementation may reduce symptoms of knee osteoarthritis

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics offered evidence that the consumption of ginger powder may have anti-inflammatory effects on those suffering from osteoarthritis. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, two groups of participants were observed over a period of three months. The test group was given a 500 mg daily dose of ginger powder, while the control group received 500 mg of corn starch. Pro-inflammatory cytokine concentrations were monitored and results indicated that ginger supplementation may have promising benefits for knee osteoarthritis. Read the full abstract of this study here.

See CRN's Research Watch for additional studies.

CRN Calendar

Hope to see you at CRN’s Workshop and Conference, Oct. 26–29!

October 8–13
International Society of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF)
Orlando, FL
—Griffiths (moderating)

October 11
CRN Staff Retreat
All staff participating; office will be closed to normal business

October 18
Deerland Enzymes, New Facility Opening
Kennesaw, GA
--Hyland, Lebert

October 26
The Workshop: CRN’s Day of Science
Dana Point, CA
—CRN Staff

October 26–29
The Conference: CRN’s Annual Symposium for the Dietary Supplement Industry
Dana Point, CA
—CRN Staff

October 30–November 3
Academy of Integrated Health and Medicine (AIHM) Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
Blatman; MacKay (presenting)

November 1
Obesity Society Forum
New Orleans, LA
—Mister (presenting)

November 912
Prospective Member Meetings

Northern California
—Hyland; Mister

November 10
Personal Care Products Council California Emerging Issues Conference
Los Angeles, CA
—Greene (presenting)

November 1213
RAGA Fall National Meeting

Austin, TX

November 14–16
Food Industry Association Executives Annual Conference
Austin, TX

November 15–16
Nonprofit Finance & Accounting Summit

Washington, DC