“We are impressed by how far this project has come in such a short time. CRN has proudly taken a leadership role, but more importantly, this is truly a case of the industry coming together for the greater good.”
—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in Nutraceuticals World, “Industry Leaders Collaborate to Develop Supplement Registry”
“The fact is AO 346 would not solve the problem of illegal products, but it would instead harm companies, raise prices and inappropriately limit consumer access to popular and beneficial supplements.”
—CRN’s Mike Greene in Nutraceuticals World, “Puerto Rico Administrative Order on Dietary Supplements Delayed”
“If you come at this expecting every vitamin to be spot on every time it’s tested you’re going to be shocked if you see this variability...”
—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in Buzzfeed, “This Lab Found Out What’s Actually In The Kardashians’ Favorite Hair Vitamin”
“The most important points that [we] will be conveying to the new administration, whomever it will be, and the freshman legislators of the 115th Congress, is [...] how dietary supplements are regulated and why DSHEA was passed more than 20 years ago.”
—CRN’s Mike Greene in Nutrition Industry Executive, “Taming the Beast?”