CRN Member Newsletter

CRN in the News


“Physicians should recognize that food comes first, but supplements can complement the American diet.”

—CRN’s Steve Mister in Nutraceuticals World, “U.S. Supplement Use Remains Stable

“Self-regulatory programs like this play an important role in increased industry compliance, improved trust, and ultimately, they benefit the consumer.”

—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in Natural Products Insider, “Assessing Impact of SupplySide West Compliance Program Five Years Later

“The multivitamin is an affordable, safe, and convenient way for consumers to fill those nutrient gaps that other government research has shown exist."

—CRN’s Judy Blatman in Natural Products Insider, “JAMA Study Finds Supplement Use in U.S. Stable Since 1999

“Consumers should have confidence in the safety of calcium supplements, and women in particular should be aiming to get the targeted daily amount of calcium through a combination of diet and supplementation."

—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in The Baltimore Sun, “Calcium supplements could increase risk of heart disease, new study finds