The Report is published by the
Council for Responsible Nutrition
1828 L St. NW Suite 510
Washington, DC 20036
President and CEO:
Steven M. Mister, Esq.
Writer: Julia Shenkar
Web Design and Development:
Gretchen Powers
©2017 Council for Responsible Nutrition
Readers are advised that information contained in this Newsletter ("Content") is intended as a service for CRN member companies, provided for general educational and informational purposes only. The Council for Responsible Nutrition ("CRN") makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the Content, and in no event shall CRN or its employees be liable for any damage of any kind resulting from the viewing or use of the Content.
Have a question about something you read in The Report?
CRN staff is ready to answer! Staff are listed with emails and phone numbers here, or contact Julia Shenkar ( / 202-204-7689) and she can help you find the right person.