Supplements are regulated.
More than two-thirds of Americans take dietary supplements.
Specific supplements can yield health care cost savings.
The supplement industry positively impacts the US economy.

These are all facts—supplement facts—and CRN is committed to getting the facts out and promoting the positive elements of our industry and our products. There are already a variety of ways in which we do this on a daily basis, but we want to share the newest of which is a content-driven initiative.

Every Friday, CRN will be issuing a “Supplement Facts” box that features a short, easy-to-understand fact about dietary supplement science, regulation, health care cost savings, consumer usage, or the industry’s economic impact. The weekly Supplement Facts box will be pushed out on our social media channels (accompanied with #SupplementFacts), featured on our website, promoted in our newsletter, and distributed to our member companies and retailer contacts.

With today’s ever-evolving communications and marketing landscapes, we understand that each of you has different audiences and varying tactics to reach these audiences. Our hope is that this simple, visual, fact-based approached will resonate with your networks and be easy for you to share via any or all of your communications channels.

We welcome feedback (contact Nancy Weindruch at or 202-204-7684), and we thank you for your support as we look to promote the great things taking place in this industry and, for those who may not believe it, to set the record straight.

Section 402(g)(1) of the FDCA: Supplements may be considered adulterated if prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do not meet cGMP regulations.


Section 402(g)(1) of the FDCA: Supplements may be considered adulterated if prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do not meet cGMP regulations.



Nancy Weindruch
Senior Director, Communications
Council for Responsible Nutrition
1828 L Street, NW, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20036
T 202-204-7684
C 202-641-1233
F 202-204-7701

Follow us on Twitter @crn_supplements and @wannabewell, Facebook, Google+, and Vine

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