Mary F. Paine, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, Washington State University

Mary F. Paine, R.Ph., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Division of Experimental and Systems Pharmacology in the College of Pharmacy at Washington State University (WSU) and an Affiliate Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics at the University of Washington (UW). She received her B.S. in pharmacy at Oregon State University, her Ph.D. in pharmaceutics at the UW, and completed a post-doctoral NIH-funded fellowship in clinical pharmacology at the University of Michigan. She has extensive experience in the use of human-derived in vitro systems, pharmacokinetic modeling, and the conduct of clinical studies to address xenobiotic-drug interactions, particularly those involving inhibition of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in the intestine. Her NIH-funded research projects focus on the elucidation of causative ingredients and mechanisms underlying pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic interactions between conventional medications and natural products, including herbal products and fruit juices. She has coauthored more than 80 publications as original research articles, invited reviews, and book chapters. She is an associate editor for the peer-reviewed journals Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Drug Metabolism and Disposition. She served on the executive committee of the Research Triangle Park Drug Metabolism Discussion Group and the Drug Metabolism Division of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) and currently is a delegate of the US Pharmacopeial Convention, representing ASPET.