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CRN in the News

A selection of some of CRNs recent quotes in the press

“While third-party verification programs are valid and commendable options for companies who choose to find ways to differentiate themselves for their customers, to mandate third-party certification as a requirement of sale would add costs that could be prohibitive for companies and would likely be passed on to consumers. Even more important, and overlooked by this amendment, are the laws and regulations already in place that require all companies marketing dietary supplements to abide by good manufacturing practices, labeling requirements and a host of other regulations.”

—CRN’s Steve Mister in Drug Store News, “Update: CRN objects to proposed 3rd-party verification rule,” responding to now-withdrawn legislation proposed last week, and Natural Products INSIDER also covered the news


“Multivitamins are clearly one component of a healthy lifestyle, and we would expect subtle effects over time.

When you look at the mechanisms proposed, it’s clear that nutrients would play an important role. These vitamins and minerals are not treating any of these issues, but if you’re insufficient or deficient then you’re challenging the body on maintaining the systems.

It’s exciting to see these Harvard researchers continuously exploring the data in both of these studies [PHS I and II], and I really enjoy how these authors put their studies in context with the other studies out there. Multivitamins are the flagship product for dietary supplements, but there is a limited number of good rigorous studies about them, and they do an excellent job in reviewing those key studies.”

—CRN’s Duffy MacKay, “Long-term multivitamin use linked to fewer heart problems: Harvard study”


“For most people, these supplements help without safety concerns. However, people should be dialoguing with their doctor about their supplement use.”

—Responsible advice from CRN, appearing in syndicated coverage of a recent Consumer Reports item on glucosamine and chondroitin appearing on several local news segments, including KEPR