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CRN: The Short Report

A topline report from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN),
the leading trade association for the dietary supplement and functional food industry

Most U.S. adults take supplements
and have confidence in them

The results are in: the majority of U.S. adults—68%—take dietary supplements and consumer confidence remains high, with 84% of U.S. adults expressing overall confidence in the safety, quality and effectiveness of dietary supplements, according to the results of the newest annual survey commissioned by CRN. The 2015 CRN Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements, conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, found that one-third (33%) of U.S. adults cite pharmacists as a trusted source for reliable information on dietary supplements, with only doctors scoring higher (55%).

The multivitamin was once again the most popular product among supplement users, taken by both males (79%) and females (77%), followed by vitamin D, vitamin C and calcium, three nutrients that government reports have identified as shortfall nutrients.

USA Today featured CRN data in two “Snapshot” placements on the cover of its Monday, Nov. 2 edition and its Friday, Nov. 13 lifestyle section.

CRN co-publishes white paper on omega-3 oxidation

Working with the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED), CRN recently released a white paper, “Oxidation in Omega-3 Oils: An Overview,” to educate the industry and consumers about the this important issue. The paper addresses oxidation testing protocols and potential issues with oxidized oils for omega-3 products after a recent media report wrongly interpreted research to suggest an increased risk of rancidity in these products.

Duffy MacKay, N.D., CRN’s senior vice president, scientific & regulatory affairs, observed, “We’re pleased to see that such a high percentage of companies are following the methods and limits to prevent oxidation as laid out in the GOED Voluntary Monograph, first established by CRN nearly 15 years ago. It was important for us to partner with GOED on this paper to help clarify areas where confusion still exists.”

CRN leads industry initiative to enhance transparency with product registry

CRN’s Board of Directors approved the association’s development of a product label registry of dietary supplements, following nearly a year of discussions and investigations into a viable system to provide increased visibility for regulators into the size of the industry and basic information about these products.

In his President’s Address at CRN’s annual conference in October, President & CEO Steve Mister called on members to support the registry, saying there are moments in time that demand change: “If we ignore the signs, we risk becoming irrelevant. If we wait too long, we will get left behind. If we consider ourselves impervious, we may get blindsided by our vulnerabilities.” He explained that CRN is uniquely positioned to lead the industry toward developing measures to improve quality and build consumer trust, and this database of product information is the first step in that process.

More information is available in Mr. Mister’s memo to CRN member company executive contacts, made public to stakeholders.

Responsible industry:
On the right side of the law

CRN last month applauded the Department of Justice (DOJ), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and other government agencies for actions that President & CEO Steve Mister said, “should serve as a strong warning to any company selling products in the dietary supplement space that if you’re going to engage in illegal activity, you’re going to pay the price.”

On Nov. 17, DOJ held a joint press conference announcing with other agencies that, as part of a nationwide sweep, civil and criminal cases have been pursued against more than 100 makers and marketers of dietary supplements.

Government officials acknowledged the difference between responsible dietary supplement marketers and the criminals they were charging.

In its press statement, CRN welcomed the government’s actions, noting that it had reached out to DOJ in May to express its concerns that companies engaging in blatant criminal activity were presenting a serious public health risk and hijacking the credibility of the reputable industry.

“We urged the Department of Justice to use all available tools to hold transgressors fully accountable for their actions. Today our request—on behalf of the responsible industry—was addressed,” Mr. Mister said.

“These actions both help consumers navigate the market to avoid products that may do them harm, and also level the playing field for responsible companies who do things right. We pledge our support to help the government on this important initiative,” Mr. Mister said.

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New survey from @CRN_Supplements via @USATODAY:
Americans are confident in dietary #supplements


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Council for Responsible Nutrition