Our CRN team is looking forward to welcoming you to CONVERGENCE '24 with Science in Session, WellComms, and Innovation Exchange!Get ready to connect with your dietary supplement and functional food colleagues in Salt Lake City!
Get the CRN 2024 Signature Events app for iPhone or Android.
Log in with the username and password credentials that appear below. If your message says password is "Set Previously," you will be able to retrieve it following the app download if you do not remember it, using the "Forgot Password" link via the app.
Power up your networking. Set up your profile, see who else is attending, and make plans to meet up on-site with other attendees. The app also provides information on speakers and schedule/session updates as well as our event sponsors—and newly announced Innovation Exchange presenters! Innovation Exchange is complimentary to all registered attendees on site and will feature presentations on cutting edge ingredients.
Questions? Please contact Gretchen Powers, CRN VP Marketing & Member Experience (gpowers@crnusa.org)