Innovation expert gives lesson in becoming backable during Now, New, Next

OCTOBER 21, 2021

Innovation expert gives lesson in becoming backable during Now, New, Next

“Fall in love with the problem, not the solution,” advised innovation expert Suneel Gupta as he kicked off Now, New, Next yesterday. The bestselling author of “Backable: The Surprising Truth Behind Breakthrough Ideas” shared insights on successful entrepreneurship and how to turn good ideas into backable ones.

In addition to spending more time incubating ideas, Gupta emphasized the importance of collaboration, casting a central character in your idea’s narrative, and practicing your pitch. “No one is ready,” said Gupta, encouraging innovators to push past their own hesitancies when it comes to taking action on what inspires them.

Catch the action: Now, New, Next continues live today and tomorrow, both in-person and online. Missed a session or want to take a closer look at a presentation that inspired you? This year’s Science in Session and Now, New, Next will be available on demand—stay tuned for details.


Background screening essential to protect against hiring risks


Background screening is a best practice that can safeguard your organization in several ways, explains Laura Randazzo of associate member company Creative Services Inc. (CSI) in an exclusive article for CRN.

“Protecting your company’s intellectual property and culture is critical,” says Randazzo. “Patents and copyrights offer some security, but it is also important to know the people you have in your organization are trustworthy team players.” 

Why it matters: The risk associated with hiring the wrong person for the job can be enormous.

By the numbers: A SHRM study found that it costs $4,129 and takes 42 days on average to hire an individual, and other studies show that employee misconduct costs U.S. organizations millions of dollars annually.

Reputation is paramount to how your organization is perceived. “Your organization has an obligation to protect its image, reputation, and the public,” says Randazzo. “CSI provides screening solutions that reduce client risk at all stages of the employment cycle.”