“Fortunately, solving America’s dietary shortfalls is possible with the help of nutritional supplements like daily multivitamins. They’re no substitute for healthy eating, but they’re a realistic way to plug the gaps in our diets.”
—CRN’s Steve Mister in USA Today, “Many Americans Don’t Get Enough Nutrients from Food” The syndicated article has also appeared in The Detroit News, The Times Herald (Port Huron, MI), The Blair Press (Blair, WI), The Germantown News (Germantown, TV), and The Gilmer Mirror (Gilmer, TX).
“We have to balance consumer accessibility and the reality that many of these common ingredients have a huge safety profiles with a reasonable regulatory paradigm that can catch ingredients that we may not know have safety issues.”
—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in Nutraingredients USA, “An FDA-Approved List of ‘Old Dietary Ingredients’ May Not Be Possible or Responsible, Warn Stakeholders”
“People want to be more involved in their wellness decisions [...] there are a lot more options that make it more convenient.”
—CRN’s Andrea Wong in Shondaland, “Is This a Thing I Should Be Doing?: Taking Vitamins”
“Allowing SNAP recipients to purchase a multivitamin with program benefits empowers them with an additional choice for themselves and their families, and makes achieving proper nutrition a right, not a luxury.”
—CRN’s Mike Greene in Whole Foods Magazine, “New Bill Would Make Supplements Eligible Under SNAP Benefits”
“An open dialogue between a patient and a healthcare practitioner—whether a doctor, registered dietitian, or pharmacist—is crucial for achieving good health, and, according to CRN’s survey, dietary supplement users recognize that.”
—CRN’s Duffy MacKay in Nutraceuticals World, “CRN Survey Finds Supplement Users Discuss Usage with Healthcare Practitioners”