Don’t have time to pick up a classic during your summer vacation? We’ve got you covered! We’ve compiled recent articles, authored by CRN senior staff, that are perfect, short reads while lying on the beach, lounging at the pool or even taxi-ing on the tarmac with eight percent battery left on your phone. At CRN, thought leadership is critical to building trust and credibility, informing the uninformed and demonstrating to our members the caliber of our thinking and strategy. We’re proud to represent your business interests for the good of the industry, including serving as the collective industry voice in the news.
Uniform Standards Needed for Third-Party GMP Audits
Thanks to Informa member, Sandy Almendarez, for the #TBT
When Contract Manufacturers Must say 'No'
Exporting supplements: harder than shucking oysters
What's easier than exporting supplements or shucking oysters? Brushing up on your summer reading list!
Which Took Longer: Harry Potter or GMPs?
The dietary supplement industry needs stronger enforcement
Considerations for a 360-degree approach to safety
You can learn more about how supplement brands can best design a post market surveillance program in the webinar, "A 360° Approach to Supplement Safety: Implications for Product Innovation and NDI Compliance."
Dietary Supplements and Public Safety: A Defense of DSHEA's "Three-Legged Stool"
The Botanical Safety Consortium (BSC): The Development of a 21st Century Framework for Assessing the Safety of Botanical Dietary Supplements
BSC’s objective is “to provide a sound scientific basis for integrating existing botanical safety/toxicity data with the latest toxicological tools…to more thoroughly evaluate botanical safety.”
DSHEA Was Not Carved in Stone
Fortunately, many things from 1994 were not carved in stone either (e.g., Lisa Marie Presley’s marriage to Michael Jackson, or Boyz II Men’s “I'll Make Love To You” number one rank on the Billboard).
Update on the Regulatory Status of Cannabidiol in Food and Dietary Supplements and Future Prospects
Spoiler Alert: FDA still considers CBD an illegal ingredient
Cannabis Product Safety
To address the safety of CBD, FDA just needs to look to section 201(ff)(3)(B) of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
CBD and the 2018 Farm Bill - the legal status of CBD supplements
CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol (pronounced: ka·nuh·buh·dai·uhl).
Science, CBD and the prisoner's dilemma
Will CBD Become a Shakespearean Tragedy
Translation for non-English majors: Will the CBD boom become a bust?
Industry Embraces Transparency and Science With Update to the Supplement Facts Label: How CRN Can Help You be Label Wise
Label literacy is one thing everyone—both industry allies and adversaries—can agree on. Help CRN spread the word about upcoming label changes and encourage consumers to be label wise. Unbranded, consumer-friendly content is ready for use at
Coming soon to a supplement label near you
How Do Companies Retain Their Best Employees? Here is One Surprising Answer
If you’ve never considered how effective engagement with your trade association can be valuable for your younger workforce, now is the time. Fun fact: CRN staff includes 5 millennials.