The next CBD Working Group will be held on Monday, March 22, 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST. Please RSVP here. An agenda for this month's meeting will be circulated at a later date.
The CBD Working Group follows the evolving hemp-derived CBD marketplace and keeps members informed of the rapidly changing scientific, legal, and regulatory landscapes for hemp-derived ingredients. The working group provides guidance to CRN staff on engagement with FDA and other stakeholders as CRN works to clarify how companies can market compliant hemp-derived CBD foods and dietary ingredients. All CRN members are welcome to participate in the CBD Working Group.
CRN Members can sign up via our online portal or by contacting Bill Dumais. Download the CRN Connect app to track CRN and industry meetings and events and add to your personal calendar as well as get updates in a filterable newsfeed.