CRN’s Mister talks Supplement OWL, U.S. supplement issues, at Sydney IADSA, CAM meetings

CRN President and CEO Steve Mister, currently serving as vice-chair of the International Alliance of Dietary Food Supplement Associations (IADSA), told attendees at IADSA’s annual gathering in Sydney, Australia, last week the regulatory climate in the U.S. is poised for change.

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Speaking separately at the Complimentary Medicines Australia (CMA) Innovation Seminar, a day earlier, Mr. Mister presented on “The Supplement OWL: A Case Study in Industry Self-Regulation.” He positioned the Supplement OWL (Online Wellness Library) as an industry-shaped model that demonstrates the power of self-regulation.


SupplementOWL-largeCROP.jpgHe pointed to current industry-wide participation in the OWL—more than 10,000 labels and over 6,500 average monthly views—as a demonstration of the mature, responsible industry’s leadership, but noted as FDA expresses interest in a mandatory listing, this registry could serve as a template for a mandatory program.


Steve Mister.jpgMr. Mister delivered a presentation titled, “Four Issues for the U.S. Supplement Market (and How the Industry is Responding),” at the IADSA Annual Week conference on April 10. The presentation to an international audience focused on the pursuit of a legal pathway to market for CBD, upcoming changes to Supplement Facts labels and CRN’s #LabelWise consumer education campaign, FDA’s interest in modernizing its regulation of supplements, and increasing retailer demands for quality assurance that are creating calls for standardization of third-party certification programs. He summarized CRN’s leadership in each. 

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