“The fact that this industry has pooled its resources into this initiative serves as a good reminder to stakeholders outside of our industry that we are responsible and willing to be transparent…that we’re using our own resources to do that on behalf of the consumer, and the retailers and the regulators.”
—Duffy MacKay, “Supplement OWL registry grows to 12,000 labels – podcast,” Natural Products INSIDER
“There are a few people who seem to have convinced themselves that there is a relationship between dietary supplements and various eating disorders, body dysmorphia disorders, those kinds of things. They seem to believe that if they can restrict or disincentivize the sale of these products the problem will get better. But it won’t, because there is no causal connection between the two.”
—Steve Mister, “State based laws on supplements would result in unworkable tangle of rules, stakeholders argue,” NutraIngredients
“In addition to the routine functions FDA performs, like facility inspections and examinations of imports at the port of entry, much larger policy decision making, like labeling for probiotics, creating a path to market for cannabidiol (CBD) and streamlining the process for a certificate of free sale, will all be delayed…While the industry knows that FDA sees these issues as priorities, we appreciate that the shutdown has created substantial backlogs on these issues that will be detrimental to industry and consumers alike.”
—Steve Mister, “US Government shutdown aftermath: Delays and backlogs, the impacts are piling up,” Food Ingredients First