CRN Basic Headers Internal Download Page

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1. CRN Basic Logo Only

2. CRN Member Non-Alert

3. CRN Member Alert

4. Office of the President

5. CRN Press Releases

6. CRN Plain Letterhead

7. CRN Foundation



  • For standard Outlook e-mails, open a new message window, click in the body area and then click on Insert>Picture>From File and paste in one of the chosen image codes below (instead of navigating for an image file). Click here for a screenshot and tips.
  • Once you insert the pic, right-click the picture and click Format Picture. Click Layout and Properties and click Alt Text. In the Description box, enter an explanation of the graphic people will see if they do not click to allow images to show, as indicated with the headers. Here are more detailed visual instructions.
  • Questions? E-mail Or call: 7682


1. CRN basic logo only

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ The Science Behind the Supplements

2. CRN Member Email Non-Alert

Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ CRN Member Exclusive Alert ~ PLEASE NOTE: You are receiving this information by virtue of your membership in CRN.

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ PLEASE NOTE: You are receiving this information by virtue of your membership in CRN.

NOTE: You may want to add an additional line of text under the header if the content is especially confidential or is being provided under embargo, etc.

3. CRN Member Alert

Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ CRN Member Exclusive Alert ~ PLEASE NOTE: You are receiving this information by virtue of your membership in CRN.

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ CRN Member Exclusive Alert ~ PLEASE NOTE: You are receiving this information by virtue of your membership in CRN.

NOTE: You may want to add an additional line of text under the header if the content is especially confidential or is being provided under embargo, etc.

4. Office of the President—CRN Memembers

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ From the office of the President & CEO ~ PLEASE NOTE: You are receiving this information by virtue of your membership in CRN.

4B. Office of the President—broader audience inclusing non-members

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ From the office of the President & CEO

5. CRN Press Releases

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ PRESS RELEASE

6. CRN Plain Letterhead

Council for Responsible Nutrition / 1828 L St., NW, Suite 510, Washingon, DC 20036 /202-204-7700 /

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition / 1828 L St., NW, Suite 810, Washingon, DC 20036 /202-204-7700 /

7. CRN Foundation

The CRN Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational affiliate of the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

Image code:

ALT text: The CRN Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational affiliate of the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

Foundation E-Letterhead

Image code:

ALT text: The CRN Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational affiliate of the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

8. CRN-I

Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ CRN-International~

Image code:

ALT text: Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ CRN-International~


Image code:

ALT text: CRN PAC / 1828 L St., NW, Suite 810, Washingon, DC 20036 /202-204-7700


CRN-PAC E-Letterhead

Council for Responsible Nutrition ~ CRN-International~

Image code:

ALT text: CRN PAC / 1828 L St., NW, Suite 810, Washingon, DC 20036 /202-204-7700