AF Plus / Final Trim

Anthony Dill / Staci Dill / Direct Alternatives / Original Organics LLC
Product Category
Last Action
$16,419,989 judgment (suspended pending liquidation of assets) / Banned from making substantial or permanent weight-loss or fat-blocking claims / Prohibited from making other weight-loss claims unless supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence that consists of human clinical testing that is randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and conducted by qualified researchers / Other health-related claims must be supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence / Preservation of records required / Prohibited from misrepresenting any tests or studies, or that a product is clinically proven to cause weight loss or that the benefits are scientifically proven / Prohibiting from misrepresenting terms of purchase and refund or cancellation policies
Additional Information
Joint action with Maine AG / Preservation of records required except for reliably reported tests / Prohibiting from misrepresenting terms of purchase and refund or cancellation policies / Additional requirements for disclosures and informed consent.
Product Category (NEW)