CRN Daily Supplement

Top items from the Council for Responsible Nutrition's daily member updates. Questions? Contact Gretchen Powers (

Click here for an index of most recent editions.


CRN-I publishes paper calling for innovative, progressive global nutrition policymaking

Public health policymakers worldwide must progressively make health-promoting nutrition recommendations and “not let the perfect be the enemy of the good." Plus—book by Sept. 17 for best rates at the Ritz-Carlton. And don't miss the Sept. 15 webinar, “The New Frontier for Claims: The Disease-ification of Anxiety, Mood & Sleep.”

Public hearing on drug preclusion needed, CRN says + CRN submits CBD-focused comments on Senate cannabis discussion draft

CRN yesterday submitted CBD-focused comments and technical feedback on the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act discussion draft legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) and Democratic Senators Cory Booker (NJ) and Ron Wyden (OR) that would legalize cannabis at the federal level.

How will you earn and keep consumer trust? Plus, catch up on CBD news

"Brand trust is earned, not bought," said Edelman's Jennifer Hauser, general manager, Health & Wellness, during CRN's premier WellComms conference that kicked off yesterday. Alison Borgmeyer, RD, general manager of the Edelman Food & Beverage Center of Excellence, joined Ms. Hauser for their session on communicating trust to consumers in a post-pandemic world.