Press Releases

CRN-International Announces New Publication Identifying Global Nutrient Gaps

NOVEMBER 29, 2023 – The Council for Responsible Nutrition-International is pleased to announce the publication of the conference report: “Advancing Nutrition Science to Meet Evolving Global Health Needs” in the European Journal of Nutrition summarizing the proceedings of its annual Scientific Symposium in Düsseldorf, Germany.

CRN Announces 2Q, 3Q Additions to Diverse Roster of Members in the Dietary Supplement and Functional Food Space 

NOVEMBER 16, 2023 – The Council for Responsible Nutrition welcomed an array of manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, and service providers to its ranks during a particularly active summer working on key issues to protect and advance CRN member interests.

JAMA Letter on Increasing Pediatric Melatonin Use Merely Underscores Popularity of Safe Products

NOVEMBER 14, 2023 – The Council for Responsible Nutrition has responded to a newly published research letter ("Characteristics of Melatonin Use Among US Children and Adolescents") appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics, which cites irrelevant and flawed data to raise unnecessary alarm about pediatric use of melatonin.

No Clarification from FDA on Drug Preclusion Issue Disappointing

NOVEMBER 3, 2023 – The Council for Responsible Nutrition expressed disappointment with today’s FDA delay in responding to CRN’s Citizen Petition submitted May 9, which requested the agency officially clarify its interpretation of the drug preclusion clause within the 180 days prescribed by law. The FDA attributed its failure to reach a decision on the petition within the statutory prescribed timeframe to “competing agency priorities.”

Three-quarters of Americans Take Dietary Supplements; Most Users Agree They are Essential to Maintaining Health, CRN Consumer Survey Finds 

OCTOBER 5, 2023—CRN the leading trade association for the dietary supplement and functional food industry, today announced findings from its anticipated annual survey of U.S. adults, conducted by Ipsos.