
Specialty Supplements

Original Research

The benefits of omega-3 supplementation depend on adiponectin basal level and adiponectin increase after the supplementation: a randomized clinical trial
Barbosa MM, Melo AL, Damasceno NR.
Nutrition. 2016 Sep 13. [Epub ahead of print].

Probiotic administration among free-living older adults: a double blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Östlund-Lagerström L, Kihlgren A, Repsilber D, et al.
Nutr J. 2016 Sep 10;15(1):80. doi: 10.1186/s12937-016-0198-1.

Effect of a multi-nutrient over-the-counter supplement on changes in metabolic rate and markers of lipolysis
Ziegenfuss TN, Lopez HL, Sandrock JE, et al.
J Diet Suppl. 2016 Sep 9:1-15. [Epub ahead of print].

The effects of supplementation with p-synephrine alone and in combination with caffeine on metabolic, lipolytic, and cardiovascular responses during resistance exercise
Ratamess NA, Bush JA, Kang J, et al.
J Am Coll Nutr. 2016 Aug 2:1-13. [Epub ahead of print].

Soy reduces bone turnover markers in women during early menopause – A randomized controlled trial
Sathyapalan T, Aye M, Rigby AS, et al.
J Bone Miner Res. 2016 Jul 28. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.2927. [Epub ahead of print].


Molecular targets underlying the anticancer effects of quercetin: An update
Khan F, Niaz K, Maqbool F, et al.
Nutrients. 2016 Aug 29;8(9). pii: E529. doi: 10.3390/nu8090529.

Distant site effects of ingested prebiotics
Collins S, Reid G.
Nutrients. 2016 Aug 26;8(9). pii: E523. doi: 10.3390/nu8090523.

Probiotics, gut microbiota and their influence on host health and disease
Sánchez B, Delgado S, Blanco-Míguez A, et al.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2016 Aug 8. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201600240. [Epub ahead of print].