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NOVEMBER 3, 2023 – The Council for Responsible Nutrition expressed disappointment with today’s FDA delay in responding to CRN’s Citizen Petition submitted May 9, which requested the agency officially clarify its interpretation of the drug preclusion clause within the 180 days prescribed by law. The FDA attributed its failure to reach a decision on the petition within the statutory prescribed timeframe to “competing agency priorities.”
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OCTOBER 26, 2023 – CRN announced the winners of its graduate student award program that grants the next generation of nutrition scientists and practitioners access to its annual Science in Session symposium, that took place Tuesday, Oct. 3.
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OCTOBER 26, 2023 – CRN today expressed disappointment in the passage of a new law in New York State that will ban the sale of weight loss and sports nutrition dietary supplements to consumers under the age of 18.
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OCTOBER 5, 2023—CRN the leading trade association for the dietary supplement and functional food industry, today announced findings from its anticipated annual survey of U.S. adults, conducted by Ipsos.
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SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 — CRN last week filed a petition with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requesting the Commission clarify certain aspects of its new Health Products Compliance Guidance.
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SEPTEMBER 5, 2023— CRN today extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Gov. Bill Richardson, who passed away on Sept. 1.  The two-term Democratic Governor of New Mexico and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. was instrumental in passage of landmark dietary supplements regulation. 
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AUGUST 25, 2023 — CRN is pleased to announce that that FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D., will address attendees during its Now New Next conference on Wednesday, Oct. 4, via a virtual fireside chat with CRN President & CEO Steve Mister. 
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AUGUST 23, 2023—CRN provides its perspective on a JAMA Cardiology report on fish oil health claims.
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AUGUST 23, 2023 – CRN applauds the selection of James “Jim” Jones to serve as the first Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods at FDA, an appointment the agency announced earlier today, and welcomes Mr. Jones to the Agency. 
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AUGUST 18, 2023 —WASHINGTON – CRN has submitted its responses to a Congressional RFI (Request for Information) seeking comprehensive information from key industry stakeholders on CBD.
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