A Lifelong Commitment to Innovation: The Journey of Terry Coyle

Terry Coyle’s path into the dietary supplements industry was as unexpected as it was transformative. Born from a blend of serendipity and curiosity, his entry into the world of nutrition and product development marked the beginning of a career that would see him rise to become one of the key innovators at Vitaquest, a leading contract manufacturer in the supplements industry. His story, rich with insights and a deep commitment to innovation, offers a fascinating look at the evolution of the industry and the leadership style that has guided him through decades of change.

The Early Days: From English Literature to Nutrition

In 1994, Terry Coyle was on the verge of pursuing a Ph.D. in English Literature, contemplating a future in academia. However, a chance opportunity offered by his stepfather, who worked closely with Vitaquest’s product development team, set him on a completely different path. “I thought I wanted to go back to graduate school to get a PhD in English Literature,” Coyle recalls. “But my stepfather said, ‘Let me get you a job helping out in our lab... You’re a good cook. You can follow a recipe. That’s what we need.’”

What started as a temporary stint in Vitaquest’s lab soon became a lifelong passion. Coyle quickly found himself immersed in the practicalities of nutrition science, learning on the job by weighing materials and assisting in the formulation of products. His hands-on experience expanded rapidly as he began taking on more responsibilities, from issuing price quotes to basic formulation work. The turning point came when one of Vitaquest’s leaders asked him to leverage his writing skills to create brochures for a brand the company was working with. “I started doing research first at the library... I realized I could shortcut that by calling our suppliers and asking them to teach me about their products,” Coyle says, reflecting on how this proactive approach to learning cemented his interest in the field. 

Navigating Industry Transformation: The Impact of DSHEA

Terry Coyle’s career took off just as the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was beginning to reshape the supplements industry. “When I started here, DSHEA had just passed and people were still figuring out how to operate under it,” Coyle remembers. The passing of DSHEA in 1994 was a watershed moment, establishing a regulatory framework for dietary supplements in the United States. For Coyle and his colleagues at Vitaquest, it meant navigating uncharted territory.

In those early days, Vitaquest was a much smaller operation. “My first office had three office mates with me... We were all in one really small office each taking a corner with a desk facing the corner,” he recalls. The company, like the industry itself, was in a period of rapid learning and adaptation. From setting up supplement facts panels to hiring their first regulatory manager, Vitaquest was building its capabilities from the ground up. Coyle’s journey mirrored this growth, as he moved from being a lab assistant to taking on more significant roles in product development and regulatory compliance.

Leadership and Innovation: A Collaborative Approach

As Coyle’s responsibilities grew, so did his influence on Vitaquest’s operations and culture. His leadership style, which emphasizes empowerment and collaboration, has been a cornerstone of his approach. “I honestly don’t make a good micromanager. It’s not in my DNA,” Coyle explains. Instead, he focuses on hiring people who thrive in independent environments and are capable of prioritizing projects effectively. “My expectation is that they will maintain a level of organization so that projects aren’t getting left behind,” he adds, highlighting his belief in giving his team the autonomy they need to succeed while always being available for support.

This approach has proven successful, particularly in fostering a culture of innovation at Vitaquest. Coyle’s transition from VP of Product Development to Chief Innovation Officer reflects his ongoing commitment to pushing the boundaries of what the company can achieve. “What’s new now is that we’re also trying to bring our message of how innovative Vitaquest can be to the world,” he says. This includes engaging more directly with suppliers, participating in industry events, and leveraging online platforms to showcase Vitaquest’s capabilities.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Supplements

Coyle’s outlook on the future of the supplements industry is both optimistic and pragmatic. He acknowledges the challenges of keeping up with scientific advancements and the pressure to innovate quickly. However, he also sees these challenges as opportunities for growth. “We’re part of a team specifically hired to keep an eye on hot trends and what’s around the corner,” Coyle notes, emphasizing the importance of staying ahead of industry shifts.
One recent example is Vitaquest’s early recognition of the potential impact of GLP-1 products like Wegovy, which has spurred the company to proactively develop nutritional alternatives. “We were ahead of the curve... and now we want Vitaquest to be known for this—helping our customers with some of the best ideas around,” he says.

Coyle’s story is a testament to the power of adaptability and the pursuit of knowledge. From his unexpected entry into the industry to his role in shaping its future, he has consistently demonstrated a commitment to innovation and excellence. For those unfamiliar with the world of dietary supplements, his journey offers a compelling glimpse into an industry that is constantly evolving and playing an increasingly important role in modern health and wellness.

Terry Coyle, serves as the Chief Innovation Officer at Vitaquest, previously held the position of Vice President for Product Development & Regulatory Affairs. With an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business, Terry boasts 28 years of experience within the company. Leading a team of over 20 scientists, flavorists, and regulatory experts, Terry's remarkable leadership has driven the successful development and launch of an impressive portfolio of more than 12,500 products.