CRN Daily Supplement

Top items from the Council for Responsible Nutrition's daily member updates. Questions? Contact Gretchen Powers (

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CRN submits comments following USDA/HHS meeting on Dietary Guidelines report

The 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans should highlight special nutrient needs at each life stage and include strategies to meet nutrient intake targets that incorporate dietary supplements, CRN noted in written comments submitted to USDA and HHS last week following the release of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) Scientific Report.


Managing the overages of the dietary ingredient(s) in vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements can be among the most technically challenging Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) problems that vitamin, mineral and supplement formulators and manufacturers must address. Moreover, as failure to adequately manage overages can lead to excessive production costs, stability concerns, and even regulatory and safety risks, it is in the interest of the manufacturer and the consumer that the formulator invest the time and effort to do this wisely. In some cases, hiring a technically proficient consultant well versed in dietary supplement GMPs is the most efficient method of doing so.

Responsible industry promotes regulatory compliance and improvement

CRN and its members recognize the important role of laws and regulations, and the state and federal agencies that implement them, to assure that the best interests of the public are promoted and protected. Although CRN may on occasion advocate for changes in those laws that are inconsistent with the best interests of the public and the industry, CRN members should adhere to all relevant laws and regulations while they are in place.

Responsible industry supports research to improve public health

CRN and its members should support nutrition research and education, including the role of the federal government in conducting research, on the relationships between the use of dietary supplements and/or functional food and health outcomes in order to expand scientific information and knowledge about the role of safe and beneficial dietary supplements and functional food as nutrition sources and for improving personal and public health.

CRN ASSOCIATE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Vicente Sederberg—U.S. hemp industry heeds call to serve communities in need with 'Hemp for Our Future' initiative

A coalition of U.S. hemp businesses and organizations have announced the launch of Hemp for Our Future, a social responsibility campaign to support healthcare workers and community organizations on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis.